Friday, February 20, 2009

Jibbles n' Shit Writer Wins Sweepstakes

Considering quitting my day job.

I don't know if people have heard but I recently won some money. And by some, I mean more than you can imagine. That's just how my life goes, you know. One day, i'm sitting on my ass thinking "my life can't get any better can it?" Then raptor Jesus comes down from his golden throne to give me the almighty high five followed by The Holy Spirit. In this case, The Holy Spirit is in the form of a $25 gift certificate.

What's that you say? $25 dollars isn't that much? That must be the jealousy talking becasuse, I assure you, $25 is quite a bit of money. Some people don't even know how many quarters there are in $20, let alone in 25 bones.

Now that we established that 25 smackaroos is a lot of money, its time to set some boundaries. First of all, simply because I am rich now does not mean that I will work for free (Max). I still need a steady income. Hell, I could use a raise as an incentive to keep writing for this dirt poor blog. Secondly, if you were not my friend before God blessed me with his $25 of love you will not be my friend now. Alternatively, I will not be buying anyone's friendship. I worked too hard for my money to give it away just for some attention from poor people like yourselves.

Thirdly, and most importantly, this sudden inheritance of money from Jesus may make me better than you but we're still family :)

Let me explain:

Me.................................................... You

Me.................................................... You



Me ............................................. You

Actually, that last one is just bad.

1 comment:

  1. Fine by me. I'm willing to deal with you being vastly superior to me as long as it means that I get to throw back a tall, cool Billy Beer.
