Friday, June 5, 2009

Dan Lin: Hero Of The Human Resistance

Star date: 06042009.

As rain falls hard on Atlanta, I find myself seated in a cold, dark movie theater once more this week. Deciding that three times was enough, I opted not to see Ghosts of Girlfriends Past another time and instead wound up seeing Terminator Salvation, a movie lacking in Matthew McConnaHEY!'s southern charm but otherwise enjoyable.
That is, of course, until I saw who had executively produced the film: one "Dan Lin". That's right, the economics professor-senator-playboy millionaire is actually none of those things. In reality (stardate 06042018) he is a fighter in the TechCom resistance movement. I knew he was from Los Angeles... just not post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. This man traveled back in time to create what we thought was an enjoyable summer-movie romp, but was in fact a docu-drama, a warning from the future about our impending doom.
What lengths this selfless man went to, to avert humanity's undoing! He dodged T-600s, T-800s and Hunter-Killer units to infiltrate the Skynet compound. He underwent the risky time-traveling process, a process comrade Sumner did not survive and instead wound up in a fire escape (look it up). He graded economics papers of undergrad students who didn't buy the textbook. This fearless man is a saint, worthy of our adoration.

God bless you, Dan Lin.

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