Monday, February 2, 2009

Editor's Note - Posting to Resume Shortly

Dear Reader, whom we revere and adore beyond compare,

I would like to apologize on behalf of the JNS community for a void of posting in the past few days.

I swear, I totally didn't see this coming. My Thursday afternoon was spent like any other purple-blooded American. I reclined in my loofa-constructed chair, burning money before my socially awkward children as I gazed into the ornate abyss of my richly crafted, multi-dollar shag rug.

And then came the vagrants. That's how I refer to the other contributors. Apparently payroll had not payed them for weeks because they didn't have the balls to finance payment schedules out of their own pockets like honest employees. Oh no. Instead payroll had asked for my consent, and like a good boss should, I chucked the smoldering remains of my yet burning fireplace into their undeserving faces.

And so now, Congress has mandated investigations, probably to find justification for their breathing tax. Anywho, I've been required to actually dole out payment. So I spent the weekend searching for my button collection, or as I like to call it, my bank account of Panamanian Rubles. Now I can pay those ungrateful roaches, and posting should resume unless some brainless 'tard spills the beans.

Soon, you shall once again be able to enjoy the soothing vaudevillian antics of Jibbles and other assorted shit.

Fondest hatred,

Joseph Pulitzer Jibbleton IV.5, Esq.
Jibbles n' Shit Editorial Omnibus Weblog

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